Take a screencapture of the newsletter and upload it to your class e-portfolio. You must name it Yournameoutsiders.png.
At your e-portfolio you will link the picture to your URL.
Here is a movie about how to create a letterpop.

You are going to create a newsletter based on the novel, The Outsiders. You will need to give your newsletter a name. Don’t forget to include the date…and it’s not 2009! Keep in mind the setting (Tulsa, Oklahoma and it’s the 1960s.)
PART A: Newspaper Article (25 marks)
You must write one main newspaper article. Choose one of the following topics:
• The murder of Bob
• The rescue of the children from the burning church / the boys being heroes
• The police murder of Dallas Winston
• Other – please see me first with your suggestion
Your newspaper article must have:
• A catchy headline
• A strong lead (opening sentence to grab the reader’s attention)
• The body of your article needs to provide information that answers who, what, when, where, why and how.
• Your information needs to correspond with the events that occurred in the novel but feel free to add more detail and get creative!
• Include a picture
Brainstorm your ideas (pre-writing – use the handout titled Visual Organizer), write a draft, show signs of editing and revision, and publish your article.
Your article should be approximately 200 words in length.
PART B: The Extras (2x10=20 marks)
Your newsletter must include 2 of the following:
• 1 want ad
• 1 advertisement (keep in mind the time period)
• 1 obituary
• 1 comic strip with a message based on the theme of the novel (violence, friendship, dreams and hopes, outsiders, stay gold, etc.)
• Dear Abby advice column (see me for a list of samples)
• Other – please see me first for approval
Part A: Newsletter Article (25 marks)
• Headline 2 marks
• Opening/Lead sentence 2 marks
• Body (5Ws, H) 10 marks
• Mechanics 6 marks
• Accurate Information/Informative 5 marks
Part B: Extras (2x10 marks each = 20 marks)
• Accurate Information
• Mechanics
• Creativity
Overall Presentation (15 marks)
• Layout, Neatness, and Effort
• Title, Date
• Use Publisher
• Pictures included
• No white space – use ‘fillers’
Process: (5 marks)
• Visual Organizer handout
• Rough draft(s)
• Signs of editing
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