Surface Area Growing Post
Title Surface Area Growing Post
Labels growingpost, surfaceareaRectangular Prism
- Draw a Rectangular Prism
- Draw its net.
- List all measurements on the drawing and on the net.
- What formulas do you use to calculate surface area?
- Calculate our the surface are of your rectangular prism.
- Draw a Triangular Prism
- Draw its net.
- List all measurements on the drawing and on the net.
- What formulas do you use to calculate surface area?
- Calculate our the surface are of your triangular prism.
- Draw a Cylinder Prism
- Draw its net.
- List all measurements on the drawing and on the net.
- What formulas do you use to calculate surface area?
- Calculate our the surface are of your cylinder prism.
Here are some images to use in your post.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
More information to come later. This is enough to get you started.
Have fun :)