Thursday, February 25, 2010

Surface Area Growing Post

This is a MAJOR blog assignment.  Please make sure you do a good job completing it.

Surface Area Growing Post

Title Surface Area Growing Post
Labels growingpost, surfacearea

Rectangular Prism
  • Draw a Rectangular Prism
  • Draw its net.
  • List all measurements on the drawing and on the net.
  • What formulas do you use to calculate surface area?
  • Calculate our the surface are of your rectangular prism.
Triangular Prism
  • Draw a Triangular Prism
  • Draw its net.
  • List all measurements on the drawing and on the net.
  • What formulas do you use to calculate surface area?
  • Calculate our the surface are of your triangular prism.
  • Draw a Cylinder Prism
  • Draw its net.
  • List all measurements on the drawing and on the net.
  • What formulas do you use to calculate surface area?
  • Calculate our the surface are of your cylinder prism.
Create a video with up to 2 other people explaining how to calculate surface area of the Rectangular and Triangular Prisms and the Cylinder.

Here are some images to use in your post.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

More information to come later. This is enough to get you started.

Have fun :)

Surface Area Homework for February 26, March 2 and March 3

As I have informed you all I am out of the building for the next few days.  The homework and questions are written on the math white board.  If you are at home and wanting to get ahead this is what you have to do.
Here are yesterday's slides

  • Pg 180 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
  • Pg 186 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
  • Pg 188-89 1-19
  • Pg 190-91 1-12
Homework Book
  • Pg 49-59
All of these questions will go towards a journal mark for your third term.  Please do as many questions as you can.  You do not need to do them in order but you do need to be organized.  Each page assignment needs to be kept together.

Please remember to complete your 2 Minutes to make a Difference assignment. It is due Monday.

Please leave comments behind at our new "sister" blogs in Virden and in Croatia.

Thanks Work Hard


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Surface Area 3

Here are today's slides

View more documents from charbeck1.

Please remember to complete your 2 Minutes to make a Difference assignment.

Please leave comments behind at our new "sister" blogs in Virden and in Croatia.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Breaking the Surface Area!!

Here are today's slide

Please remember to complete your 2 Minutes to make a Difference assignment.

Please leave comments behind at our new "sister" blogs in Virden and in Croatia.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

2 Minutes to make a Difference Part 3

Here is what you should have done by now.....
  1. Google Presentation
  2. Title Slide
  3. Essay slides
  4. 10 big questions.
Here is what you have to do now. 
  1. Please choose 5 of your questions.  (If questions are the same in a group only one member may use the question). 
  2. Create a slide for each question.
  3. Research each question.  You need to answer it using 3 to 4 points.  Please attach a URL to each point.
  4. Recap each slide should contain a question, 3 to 4 points answering the question and the urls from where you found the information.
  5.  Now that you have this information HOW ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? You need a slide that has ways in which people can make a difference.  
All of this is due by Monday March 1st

In the future you will need to have interviewed an expert on your topic and have other points of view about the issues you have chosen to research.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Surface Area.

Here are the pictures to help the scribes on their scribbles.


Please have all the odd questions done on page 168  of the textbook and the foldable work.


Thank you

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Surface Area

Here is the stream of the lesson today.

Here are the slides from today's class

Friday, February 05, 2010

2minutes2010 Checkup

Please fill out the form in class. It is a checklist of what has to have been done by Friday Morning. Be honest. After you have filled out the form please fix anything that is needing to be fixed!!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Please add your videos to your percent scribes.

In class we have been using ustream to capture movies of your percent work. Please add them to your percent scribes. Here is how you do it. Please go to either



spmath at ustream. When you find your video please get the embed code and copy it.

When you are putting the videos at your post please remember to switch to edit html from composer.  You should title your video after you paste it into your post.  Each post should have 2 videos in it.

There is a problem with the code from ustream.  TO MAKE IT WORK YOU HAVE TO ADD SOMETHING TO IT.....
At the end of he code you have pasted into your blog add

This will make the video play in your blog post.

Thanks.  This will be the last blog assignment for the 2nd term.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Haiti Three weeks later...

Three weeks after the earthquake an still Haiti is in turmoil. Look at the latest photo essay and tell me what you think.


Please leave a comment.

Combining Percents

Here are the two problems for today...

Please make sure to explain each question 2 different ways.  Also you have to complete the following work on your 2minutes project and you need to leave comments behind at our new "sister" blogs in Virden and in Croatia.