Social Studies
If you exported your Social Studies Photo Story to .wmv they have been uploaded to spmath at Youtube. If you have not exported them you will need to use the machines in the library and export them to the appropriate folder on the J drive.
To embed them at the wiki you will need to use the embed tool (looks like a tv) click on video and paste the embed code into the appropriate box.
Language Arts
I have uploaded all of your photos of the Hockey Sweater to flickr.



You can download your picture from flickr or use link to it using a url. At flickr click on your picture. Then right click and get the image properties.

What you need is the location. Hilite all of the http beside location starting with http://farm4.... This is the url that you will need at the wiki site.
At your portfolio you can use this url to add a picture. In your portfolio select image and then paste the url into the last box on the image window that says Insert external image by url.

During your first term I took photos of you in Practical Arts. You can find the pictures here.

They would look great under your Practical Arts section. Add a picture and a description of what you were doing.
Have a great day. Make sure to do a voicethread. It needs to have your math solutions, some social studies pictures and anything else that would be valuable to your parents.
Huh? What voicethread? For what?
Read all about eportfolios and the voicethread "what" will become clear
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