Saturday, January 08, 2011

Let's Finish Off Percent

This is the final week on Percent. We will be doing many questions and you will have a quiz, test and video and foldable assignment.

Foldable (Due Friday January 14)
  • 4.1 Representing Percents Copy the Key Ideas from page 127, complete the Show you knows on pages 127 and 125, Choose any question from 129.
  • 4.2 Fractions Decimals and Percents Copy the Key Ideas from page 135, Choose 2 questions from each of the Show you Knows on pages 132, 133 and 134.
  • 4.3 Percent of a Number Copy the Key Ideas from page 141, Choose 2 questions from each of the Show you Knows on pages 140 and 141. Choose any 2 questions from pages 142 and 143.
  • 4.4 Combining Percents Copy the Key Ideas from page 148, complete questions 1-8 from pages 148 and 149.
Quiz (January 12)
You will have a quiz on Wednesday this week.  The quiz will be on 4.4 Combining Percents.  The Quiz will have both multiple choice and problem solving questions.

Test (January 13)
The test will be on all 4 sections of the chapter. There will be a minimum of 5 problem solving questions and many more fun filled multiple choice questions.

Video (Due Friday January 14)
You will be required to create a video about percent.  Each of the 4 sections from the textbook will have to be in your video.  Imagine it as a summary of the chapter.  Your video must be under 5 minutes and everyone needs to make one.  Do not wait till the last minute to create this video.  You will upload it to the spmath789 youtube channel with the following pieces of information:
  • Title *****'s Percent Review Video
  • Tags spmath, (your blogger name) and percent
  • In the description you can leave a short 3 sentence paragraph talking about percents.
Final Percent Post (Due Monday January 17)
You will now create a Final Percent Post.  In this post you will include information from each of the sections in the chapter.
  1. Summarize the chapter and the key points from each of the sections. A brief example from each part of your foldable is all that is required. Also define What is a percent?
  2. Include your video that explaining percent.
  3. Include a link to your Percent Scribe post for this chapter.
  4. Find a website that further explains percent. Include a link or a video.
  5. Title the Post Final Percent Post
  6. Tag the post "Final Percent Post", blogger display name, 
Good luck on all of these assignments.  You will have to work hard to complete them all on time.


KevinH9-06 said...

Mr.Harbeck you have your dates wrong. You put Friday January 15 when Friday is the 14th. Will you be explaining some of the information you put on the blog in class?

Paul M. 8-14 said...

Mr. Harbeck For the video do we have to talk while making a summary or can it be just like slides with the summary of informations?