Welcome to Grade 8
Meet the Teacher
Principal: Ms. L. Krosney
Vice-Principals: Mr. D Difabrizio
Ms. V. Big George
Sargent Park School Grade 8 Team
Grade 8 Team
Mr. Harbeck Math/Technology charbeck@wsd1.org Team Leader
Ms. Manila ELA/Social Studies dmanila@wsd1.org
Ms. Manila ELA/Social Studies dmanila@wsd1.org
Transition Year
Grade eight is known as a transition year because students will be required to move towards becoming independent learners. They are expected to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. In grade 8, we will help them make a connection to their community and the world around them. An important aspect of this year is to develop critical thinking skills that will help them to prepare for the demands of High School in Grade 9.
Student Agenda
Students are expected to record due dates for all assignments, tests, and important information in the student agenda. To help your child to succeed, check it regularly for due dates. Students experiencing difficulties may have their organizers signed by teachers and parents to keep track of their progress more closely. Behavior contracts and homework books are also utilized by staff to help those individuals that are experiencing difficulties.
Letters Home
When students experience difficulties, teachers will contact parents by letter, email, or phone call. Parents that receive letters, please read over carefully, sign it, and have the student return it the next school day. Open communication between the school and home is very important. Students need to know that we are working together!
Reporting Periods
Term 1 November 13th – Report cards go home
November 15th (evening) - Tri-Conferences (Student/Teacher/Parent)
November 16th – Tri-Conference Day (Student/Teacher/Parent)
Term 2 March 12th – Report cards go home
March 15th (evening) – Student Led Conferences with Portfolios
March 16th – Student Led Conferences with Portfolios
Term 3 June 27 – Report cards go home
Students that are up-to-date in their school work and demonstrate responsible and appropriate behavior, earn the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities. Activities include MTYP, Manitoba Museum, dances, special events, extracurricular school activities etc.
Extra-Curricular School Activities Encourage your son/daughter to become involved in a school activity i.e. musical production, inter-school athletics, intramurals, yearbook, various clubs, etc. It will help your child make a connection to the school and it will make grade eight a fun year!
Grade 8 Leadership and Living Me to We Grade eight students will have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in a variety of ways. One of our yearlong goals is to help our students make a difference in their school, in their community, locally and globally. Developing student citizenship is an important part of being a grade eight student at Sargent Park School.
Some students will be active leaders in our school. They will be a member of the Me to We group and will facilitate and plan special events to help create awareness. Students must have regular attendance in the Me to We meetings and activities. They must exhibit responsible and respectful behaviour to remain a part of this team.
Student Accident Insurance We encourage you to purchase Student Accident Insurance. It tops up family insurance plans and covers you if you should need emergency treatment. Please consider purchasing this product.
Full Course information can be found at
Grade 6-9 Guidance Counsellor
Ms. Almeida
Room 125
The role of the Guidance Counsellor at Sargent Park, is to enhance student learning by helping students with their social/emotional needs. Students receive support from the counsellor on either an individual or group basis. The counsellor also offers classroom guidance programs, and helps to support school wide mental health based initiatives.
If a student needs to see the Guidance Counsellor to help work out social/emotional concerns, they can come to room 125 either before or after school, or at lunch. Appointments can also be made during the school day, with permission from the classroom teacher. Parents can also refer their child for counselling, by calling the school, e-mailing Ms. Almeida directly at the e-mail address above, or by dropping by room 125 to set up an appointment to discuss the issues. Administrators and teachers may also ask the counsellor to meet with a specific child who they feel might benefit from the experience. Individual and/or group counselling is provided for any student who requires support and guidance. The counsellor also provides referrals to school and community agencies when home and school agree that it is necessary.
The counselling office is always open for students. It is a friendly and safe space to talk, or take a break when needed.
Course Overviews
Grade 8 Mathematics Overview
Mr. C. Harbeck (8-121, 8-16, 8-73),
Mr. H. Tat (8-14,)
Math Journal shows the teacher how the student can express their understanding of Math through their written language. In their Math Journal the students will explain to the teacher and their parents what they have learned in school for selected lessons. As parents you will be asked to spend up to 10 minutes talking to your child about what they have learned in class. The student will be able to explain the topic covered in a way that makes you wish you were back in Grade 8!!
Mental Math All students need to expand on the skills they already have in computing in Mathematics. The Mental Math component of the subject will give the students extra mind-tools to solve questions without the use of a calculator. The students will gain a better conceptual understanding of the subject as they learn these new skills. Mental math is also part of the final exam.
Assessment is ongoing and done on a regular basis. The assessment will take place in the form of tests and quizzes, verbal interviews and projects. These tests and quizzes will be formatted to look similar to the types of questions found on their final exam. Completion of assignments and homework will improve a student’s results on these assessments.
21st Century Learning Students use many different types of technology in their personal lives and will use technology to make math more relevant to them. Students will create blogs (personal learning logs), wiki's, do podcasts and make movies all about math. These activities and assignments will be a large part of their learning experience in Grade 8.
Final Exam- The final exam will take place on Wednesday, June 3rd this year. The students will be taking a division wide math exam based on the Manitoba Math Curriculum. The exam covers Mental Math, Restricted Response (Multiple Choice) and Problem Solving.
Communication with the teacher - All teachers in the Winnipeg School Division have an active email account. It is the quickest and most efficient way of communicating with us. If you have any questions about your child’s progress please email charbeck@wsd1.org or htat@wsd1.org or call the school and leave a message. We are available between 8:15 and 3:45 Monday to Friday.
Grade 8 –English Language Arts Course Overview
Ms.Manilla ( 8-14, 8-73) Ms. Persaud (8-16, 8-121)
“We believe we are a community of learners and therefore we learn with and from each other.”
The ELA program consists of the following Essential Learning Categories:
- Comprehension (Reading/Listening/Viewing)
- Communication (Writing/Speaking/Representing)
- Critical Thinking
Reading Program Components
- Read for 140 minutes a week (20 minutes a day)
- Keep track of reading progress in reading folder
- Book Talks and Literary Response projects
- Novel Studies
- Discussion groups
- Group projects
Goals of the Independent Reading Program are:
- To increase reading volume, capacity, and complexity of texts over time
- To create a balance of independent reading, text study, and novel study
- To help students deepen their thinking through writing about reading
- To build a classroom culture focused on the love of reading
“Books matter, stories heal, and the right book in the hands of a child can change a life forever.” ~ Penny Kittle
Writing Program Components
Writing skills will be developed following the Writing Process (pre-writing, drafting, revision, editing, proofreading, publishing) and the Six Traits of Writing (Ideas & Content, Organization, Sentence Fluency, Conventions, Voice, Word Choice).
Students explore attitude towards writing and expand skills by writing in many forms including:
- Quick writes
- Creative writing
- Expository writing
- Letters
- Stories
- Essay
Emphasis is placed on learning the mechanics and conventions of writing including spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation.
AFL - Assessment for Learning
Term grades will be determined from assessment of completed work. Students will be using a portfolio in Language Arts. A portfolio is a record of student work throughout the year. It shows progress related to specific goals each has set following guidelines from the teacher.
Assessment builds student awareness and confidence in learning. Throughout the year, students will participate in ‘Assessment for Learning’ strategies, some of which include:
- Task, Intent, Criteria- setting criteria that define success for students giving and obtaining feedback that moves the learning forward
- Encouraging students to be instructional resources for each other through Peer/Self-Assessment
- Students taking ownership of their own learning, planning the next steps to reach the learning outcomes
- Me to We Citizenship Program
- Identity
- Everyone has a Story
- Human Rights Issues Grade 8 ELA Unit created by WSD
Grade 8 students will write a Divisional Common ELA Exam on June 9th and 10th.
Grade 8 Social Studies Course Overview
MsManilla (8-14, 8-73) Ms. Persaud (8-16, 8-121),
Social Studies: World History – Societies of the Past
The World History course is designed to help students explore the ways that people lived within certain societies of the past, and to realize that life today is closely related to developments which have occurred through the ages. The intent is not to examine 3000 years of history but to encourage students to compare a wide variety of ways of life of the past and the present.
There are five clusters of study:
Cluster 1: Understanding Societies Past and Present
Cluster 2: Early Societies of Mesopotamia, Egypt, or the Indus Valley
Cluster 3: Ancient Societies of Greece and Rome
Cluster 4: Transition to the Modern World (circa 500 – 1400)
Cluster 5: Shaping the Modern World (circa 1400 – 1850)
Course Skills and Learning Outcomes:
The course will focus on the following Essential Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and Understanding: eg. Organize and record information in a variety of formats (charts, outlines, maps), daily assignments, tests and quizzes
Research and Communication: eg. Plan topics, goals, and methods for historical inquiry and research
Critical Thinking and Citizenship: eg. Listen to others to understand their perspective, collaborate with others to establish and carry out group goals and responsibilities
Assessment for Learning
Students will be assessed on a variety of work through current Assessment for Learning guidelines. Students will follow the Task/Intent/Criteria model. The model clarifies learning intentions, task and criteria for success with students.
Throughout the year students will participate in a variety of assessment formats which will include: homework, group participation, portfolio entries, quizzes/tests, and research projects.
Grade 8 Science
Mr. D. Potter (8-14, 8-16, 8-121, 8-73)
Unit 1: Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Systems
Unit 2: Fluids
Unit 3: Light and Optics
Unit 4: Water Systems on Earth
Knowledge and Understanding
Scientific Inquiry Process
Design Process/ Problem Solving
Science experiments
Graphic organizers
Small projects
Computers based assignments 50%
Tests 50%
Grade 8 Physical Education Overview
Ms Tetrault
The physical education program provides all students with the opportunity to enjoy a variety of individual and team activities. Students are encouraged to learn and develop new skills, work co-operatively with others, and strive for the highest level of personal fitness. These experiences will enhance and encourage students to live an active and healthy lifestyle.
Fitness Management
Healthy Lifestyles
Resource Program Overview
Mr. Costello
At Sargent Park School, the resource program is designed to help the student who is experiencing difficulties in the classroom. The problems may be academic, behavioral or social which can prevent the student from achieving success. In conjunction with administration, guidance, parents, student and classroom teacher, Resource will address the students’ needs.
We believe that children learn best in their own classrooms from their own teachers. Our goal is to help that happen. Sometimes things interfere with a child’s learning. It is our job to identify the source of the problem and to take the necessary steps to ensure the child’s success.
Our teachers work co-operatively with the resource teacher to develop the best plan to help the student having trouble. We may try a different teaching strategy, help the student work more effectively in groups and individually or it may be necessary to adapt programs to fit the needs and abilities of the student. It may be necessary to work with a student by pulling them out of class for short periods of time or by providing support directly in the classroom. In addition, we are able to call on specialists within the division for consultation.
Most importantly, we believe that the school and parents share responsibility for a child’s success at school. We need the support and commitment of parents to help when their children are experiencing difficulties at school. When a problem arises at school, we contact the home to explain difficulties and enlist the help of parents. Parents and students are invited and encouraged to contact us if they are experiencing any difficulties and would like extra support. Our goal is to provide the most suitable classroom environment as well as access to all possible services in order to help our students achieve his or her potential.
Should you have any concerns about the progress of your child, please feel free to call the Junior High Resource Teacher, Mr Costello, at 204-775-8985.
The Grade 8 Visual Art Program
- Grade 8 Visual Art is based on four essential areas:
- · Learning ways to express our ideas about Art and how to use art materials.
- · Developing our creative voices and expressing ourselves as individuals.
- · Understanding Art and how it relates to ourselves and the world.
- · Valuing artistic experiences and how we can build community through Art.
- Students are encouraged to experiment and try many new types of advanced materials throughout their year of learning in the Art Room. These materials are introduced through thematic units which encourage deeper critical thinking and a strong understanding of artistic concepts and methodologies.
- Expectations: Students are expected to come to class prepared to learn and investigate new visual art experiences. This involves regular attendance, developing a serious attitude towards artmaking and a willingness to take risks in the classroom. Students are expected to complete all components of every project. If they are not able to do so in a timely manner in the classroom, they are expected to complete their work at home, during Art Club or during lunch hour, depending on scheduling. Students are also required to have a personal sketchbook at the Junior High level.
- Assessment: Each project begins with a slideshow to introduce relevant information such as connections to various artists or artistic movements, components of project, visual examples and marking rubrics. Students are always assigned sketchbook work which helps to solidify this information and to help them begin their project. Students are assessed equally on their sketchbook work and final projects.
- First Projects:
- The Secret Path: Truth and Reconciliation – Watercolours and Printmaking
- Abstract Expressionism and Gesture – Plaster Sculpture
- Extra-Curricular:
- Art Club
- Mural Club
- Assisting with special events (Musical, Celebration of the Arts, Assemblies).
Technology Overview: Digital Storytelling/Programming
Mr. C. Harbeck, Mrs Florendo
The primary focus of this course is to make students producers of product not consumers of product. Everything taught in the lab is based on students creating product and understanding what they have done.
Mr. C. Harbeck, Mrs Florendo
The primary focus of this course is to make students producers of product not consumers of product. Everything taught in the lab is based on students creating product and understanding what they have done.
Students, through a variety of tools, will tell stories and publish them online. Each storytelling tool is transferable to other class assignments in ELA, Math, etc. The goal of this course is to have a portfolio of stories, curricular and personal, all shown with different computer tools.
Students will use Google Drive, PowerPoint and many other Web 2.0 tools like Tapestry, Voicethread and Prezi.
Students have technology twice a cycle.
Performing Arts Overview
Ms. M. Allard
Teacher: Miss M. Allard
Grade 8 Performing Arts
This class builds on Grade 7 Performing Arts, and continues to familiarize students with the three performing arts that make up a ‘triple threat’ performer: drama, music, and dance. This is a collaborative and participatory course, regular attendance is critical, as is the willingness to work and problem solve collaboratively. Students must be open to taking creative risks, respect all other classmates’ work, bring a good attitude to class, and have fun!
Students are expected to wear comfortable clothing for mobility. Furthermore, clothing should never cause the wearer, or others, embarrassment or distraction. Students must ensure they arrive on time for class and always bring a pen, pencil and notebook/binder with paper.
Goals of this class:
Acquire skills in movement and choreography
Develop a strong, creative voice through drama skits and improvisation
Work on a projected, and confident singing voice
Explore and research Musical Theatre shows, and stage terminology
Unit#1 Group collaboration: Exploration of triple threat basics
Unit #2 Choreography basics
Unit #3 Musical theatre show exploration “Annie”
Unit #4 Broadway shows
Mark Breakdown:
Students’ grades will be largely dependent on attitude and willingness to participate. There will also be several projects, and in-class performances that will make up the balance of the final grade.
Daily Work 60%
Projects and Performances 40%
Contact Miss Allard: miallard@wsd1.org
Teacher: Miss M. Allard![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/2kIZIXGtqPBnkDE2pqA-5hh1txnQnSPS6R0bk1NE-Rbt82P51PyGGb6DHgGVavUyB67JsErOjA72YySeGjBdubh-ZaBhT858SKb2mEJQTPB4nVY87qiujiNGTaQc4V9wvmBFzQqt)
Course Name: Grade 8 Dance
“Dance, as though no one is watching you” -Souza
Dance is a collaborative and participatory course; therefore, regular attendance is critical, as is the willingness to work and create collaboratively. Consistent involvement, plus creative and personal risk taking, is essential to succeed in this class.
Student Requirements:
Students are expected to wear comfortable clothing for mobility ie. Non-marking sneakers, loose-fitting shorts (to just above the knee) or sweat pants, and a t-shirt. Furthermore, clothing should never cause the wearer, or others, embarrassment or distraction. Students must ensure they arrive on time for class and always bring a pencil and binder with paper. It is expected that all students will exhibit appropriate and respectful behavior towards their classmates in all activities and during group work.
Course Description:
This course provides opportunities for students to make, create, reflect and respond to dance – specifically hip hop, contemporary, and jazz styles of movement. Students will work independently, and as a community of dance-learners to create and make meaning.
Unit #1 Thinking about movement and dance/Basic concepts & terminology
Unit #2 Group dance and across the floor exercises
Unit #3 Short combinations/ specific terminology
Unit #4 Dance history
Unit #5 Project: group combinations; perform and teach
Unit #6 Observing master dancers/performances and reflecting on style etc.
Unit #7 Collective dance
Unit #8 Group choreography
Mark Breakdown:
Students’ grades will be largely dependent on attitude and willingness to participate in each class. There will be several projects, and in-class performances that will make up the balance of the final grade.
Daily Work (group dance, across the floor, stretching etc…) 60%
Projects and Performances 40%
Contact Miss Allard: miallard@wsd1.org
Junior High Choir Overview
Ms. M. Allard
Course Outline
This course is designed for students who love to sing! Music is a unique art form that offers experience in and opportunities for self-expression. The choir program will strive to provide musical opportunities through singing, studying, listening and creating music. It is the intent of this program to foster the musical independence of its students through these activities.
Rehearsal Expectations
· Arrive on time and quickly eat your lunch!
· Always come prepared with your music and pencil.
· Attend all practices and performances. The Sargent Park Junior High Choir is a team. Be respectful to your choir members (or teammates) by being present and trying your best.
· Practice regularly, faithfully and intelligently. Please remember your responsibilities to the ensemble, to yourself and to your friends.
· Participate in any extra scheduled sectionals
Course Outline
This course is designed for students who love to sing! Music is a unique art form that offers experience in and opportunities for self-expression. The choir program will strive to provide musical opportunities through singing, studying, listening and creating music. It is the intent of this program to foster the musical independence of its students through these activities.
Rehearsal Expectations
· Arrive on time and quickly eat your lunch!
· Always come prepared with your music and pencil.
· Attend all practices and performances. The Sargent Park Junior High Choir is a team. Be respectful to your choir members (or teammates) by being present and trying your best.
· Practice regularly, faithfully and intelligently. Please remember your responsibilities to the ensemble, to yourself and to your friends.
· Participate in any extra scheduled sectionals
Behavioural Expectations
I expect respectful behaviour from all Choir members. We will respect each other, our music, our equipment and our rehearsal space. All school rules apply during rehearsal. Every member is expected to contribute not complicate. When your behaviour or actions complicate rehearsal it prevents your fellow choir members from being able to learn and contribute. If your behaviour or actions continue over multiple rehearsals it may result in asking you to leave the group. Please be respectful and we can all have a great time and a successful year!
Please do not hesitate to ask questions at any time.
You can e-mail Ms. Almeida at calmeida@wsd1.org or come see her.
I expect respectful behaviour from all Choir members. We will respect each other, our music, our equipment and our rehearsal space. All school rules apply during rehearsal. Every member is expected to contribute not complicate. When your behaviour or actions complicate rehearsal it prevents your fellow choir members from being able to learn and contribute. If your behaviour or actions continue over multiple rehearsals it may result in asking you to leave the group. Please be respectful and we can all have a great time and a successful year!
Please do not hesitate to ask questions at any time.
You can e-mail Ms. Almeida at calmeida@wsd1.org or come see her.
Band Overview
Ms. K. Martens
In Grade 8 Band you will increase your knowledge of musical styles and instrumental techniques. We will be learning new key signatures and more challenging repertoire. This year a strong emphasis will placed on learning to tune each instrument and developing the skills needed to identify and produce a good tone that is steady and in tune.
You will be expected to arrive ready for class each day with your instrument, your music folder and a pencil. Cooperation and participation in class and in concerts is expected.
Your term marks will be based on performance tests, practice journals, and in-class playing.
Grade 8 Music
Ms. K. Martens
Goals of the class:
- To enhance music language and performance skills
- To promote creative expression in music
- To create understanding of forms and styles of music in society
- To develop the ability to value musical experiences
Course Outline
In this course, students will continue developing their skills on the guitar. Learning will include guitar maintenance, tuning, playing technique and music literacy. This course will also study music theory and history.
In this course, students will continue developing their skills on the guitar. Learning will include guitar maintenance, tuning, playing technique and music literacy. This course will also study music theory and history.
Daily Work: To receive full marks you are required to:
- Be prepared
- Listen carefully
- Participate in class activities
- Complete all in-class assignments
- Try your best
Tests can be written or performed on guitar. To receive full marks you are required to:
- Be prepared
- Pay attention in class
Project based assignments: To receive full marks you are required to:
- Complete the assignments
- Hand it in on time
Participation and Effort: To earn full marks, you must:
- Come to class prepared and on time
- Participate to the best of your abilities in every activity
- Have a positive attitude
- Put forth your best effort
* Please do not hesitate to ask for help. Ms. Martens can meet with you to discuss any problems you may be having or you may e-mail her at kmartens@wsd1.org
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