Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Manitoba Marathon Parent Post 1

Here is the letter I have sent home with your student.  Please read it and return the note to school by Friday June 7th.

Dear Parent or Guardian   

Congratulations! Your student has been chosen to participate  on one of 6 Sargent Park Relay Teams on Sunday, June 16th. This requires some parental involvement.  As parents you are asked to provide transportation to and from the Relay Exchange point on June 16th.  Runners will need to be at the station between 7 am and 12 noon.  I understand the sacrifice this is to your family but appreciate your effort.

___________________ will have a ride to the Relay exchange point on Sunday June 16th.

__________________ will not have a ride to the relay exchange point on Sunday June 16th.

Not having a ride to this exchange point might eliminate them from participating in the relay. More information is to follow this week.

Thank you for your support of running at Sargent Park School

Mr. Harbeck
Marathon Coach 

Here are maps of where students start and finish. Click the link and reveal the map.

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