Friday, November 30, 2012

Integers Day 3

Here is a link to today's questions.

Write in standard form and solve

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Integers Day 2

Here is the link for today.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Pay it Forward 2012

Welcome to your first 2 Minutes to make a Difference  and We Day Assignment.  This will start you on your journey to make a 2 minute movie by the end of March.  Here is your assignment.


Excerpt from the movie:
"You see, I do something real good for three people. And then when they ask how
they can pay it back, I say they have to Pay It three more people. Each. So, nine people get helped. Then those people have to do twenty-seven." He turned on the calculator, punched in a few numbers. "Then it sort of spreads out, see, to eighty-one, then two hundred forty-three, then seven hundred twenty-nine, then two thousand, one hundred eighty-seven. See how big it gets?"

Some possible ideas include:
·        Volunteer at a soup kitchen, hospital, care home
·        Clean up your community/school yard/park
·        Donate Food/Clothing/Toys/Books/Christmas gifts
·        Collect new and used toys and donate them to a hospital
·        Help deliver Christmas hampers
·        Make and deliver treat bags for children in hospitals (include pens, notepads, stickers, puzzles, candy, etc)
·        Send care packages for soldiers / write letters to soldiers
·        Become a pen pal with a senior citizen
·        Volunteer to baby-sit for free
·        Write ‘Thank you’ notes to people who have helped you
·        Leave cards or notes in mailboxes, on windshields, or hanging from doorknobs
·        AND LOTS, LOTS MORE!!

These are just possibilities. Students are asked to be creative and try to make a difference in someone’s life.


Title (Your Name)'s Pay it Forward
Labels payitforward, 2minutes2013, username

Your blog post is broken down into 4 parts.
Part 1
What is "Pay it Forward". To complete this part please edit and revise the paragraphs that you wrote after watching the movie. 

Part 2
What was your Pay It Forward act of kindness?
Why did you choose this activity?
Who did you help?
What did you do?
When did you do you act of kindness?

You need to document your act of kindness.  Please make sure you have a photo or video of you "Paying It forward".

Part 3
How did your act of kindness go?
What Happened?
How did you feel?
How did the person or people react?
Did you ask the person or people to "Pay It Forward"?
How did they react to your request?
If you did not ask the person to "Pay It Forward" how come?

Part 4
Why is the idea of "Pay it Forward" important?
Has your act of kindness made a difference?

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

There is some practice for tomorrows quiz.

Multiply Fractions

Adding Fractions

Subtracting Fractions

Good luck tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Creating your Fraction Post

Sorry for the late post.  Here are the details about your Fraction Post.

Title Everything ***** knows about Fractions
Label Fraction Post, Username

In the body embed the fraction presentation from Google Drive

To do this you have to do the following

1. Make your presentation public. Click Share
Then choose public instead of Private.  If you are already private and you have embeded you need to click the hyperlinked word change. You then will see the following pop up and be able to choose public.

Now under File you can chose publish to web.
Copy the Embed code.  Go to blogger and paste into your post.

Thank you for your time.